Faben Artist Fund
Download a copy of these artist fund details
Download a copy of the Faben Artist Fund Application
The Faben Artist Fund (hereafter called “the fund”) is designed to help support Humboldt county artists. The fund is named on honor of Mike and Beverly Faben. The fund is administered by the Humboldt Arts Council.
Artists often find the financial rewards of their occupation to provide less than adequate living expenses. Preparation for a solo show at a nonprofit gallery can require months of work during which all of an artist’s work is required for the future show limiting opportunities for current income. The expenses for framing, mounting, transportation, and other costs required in advance of a solo show can be overwhelming.
Similarly, few area artists can afford the monies required to accept an artist-in-residence appointment at some remote location – travel and living for a month or more is an extraordinary expense. However, the benefits of being selected for and participating in a residence program are many, including increased recognition, and the opportunity to produce new work in a new environment.
Main Objective
The fund’s main objective is to support and encourage Humboldt artists to produce and show their art, particularly outside the boundaries of the Humboldt area. This will enliven and enlarge the individual artist’s experience. It will also expand recognition of the both the artist work and the Humboldt area as an art center.
Specific Objectives
- To support worthy Humboldt county artists in preparing and showing their work in solo shows at established art venues. This is hereafter called “the solo show” objective.
- To support Humboldt county artists while participating in recognized artist-in-residence programs. This is hereafter called “the artist-in-residence” objective.
Selection Requirements
The solo show objective has the following requirements:
- The artist will have been accepted for a solo show of their work at a well-recognized nonprofit art museum or art gallery.
- The artist will have resided in Humboldt county for at least one year and be a Humboldt county resident at the opening date of their show.
- The artist will have a demonstrated need for financial support to prepare their show.
The artist-in-residence objective has the following requirements:
- The artist will have been accepted into a recognized artist-in-residence program.
- The artist will have resided in Humboldt county for at least one year and be a Humboldt county resident at the time of their artist-in-residence program.
Award Criteria
The solo show award has the following criteria:
- Artist awards will range from $500 to $2500 depending upon the artist’s needs and the show’s size and complexity.
- The fund may also provide up to $1000 to help the non-profit museum or art gallery with the expenses of showing the selected artists’ works.
- The Fund Selection Committee, as defined by the Humboldt Arts Council, will have the sole responsibility to determine awardees and award amounts within the above defined limits.
The artist-in-residence award has the following criteria:
- Artist awards will range from $500 to $4000 depending upon the information presented in the application.
- The Fund Selection Committee, as defined by the Humboldt Arts Council, will have the sole responsibility to determine awardees and award amounts within the above defined limits.
Application Process
Application for solo show support will be by letter. The letter will include:
- Artist contact information.
- Artist resume or CV.
- Evidence of an accepted future show at a non-profit art museum or gallery. This can be as simple as a copy of their acceptance letter.
- The show’s opening date and duration.
- A description of the show’s content, with images depicting some of the works to be shown or similar work.
- A statement of the applicant’s financial need in relationship to this show.
The Fund Selection Committee may request more information from the solo show applicant to support their decision process.
Application for artist-in-residence support will be by application:
- The Artist-In-Residence Application Form will be submitted to the Humboldt Arts Council.
- Evidence of acceptance for a recognized artist-in-residence program must be submitted before an award is granted.