Ginny Dexter

HAC Member Since: 2009

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I currently donate my photography to Food for People for their newsletter and also donate the cover image for their gift cards: Christmas, Mother’s Day. I photograph for them special events like the Cowboy Convoy Food Drive. Annually I receive a press pass and follow and photograph the kinetics and For the Glory which can be viewed at KHUM. I make posters for participants of the kinetic race. I participate in alternative galleries to take art to businesses.Artist Statement: I love photography and, through this media, exploring new connections with all aspects of life on this planet. I was born on the island of Adak in Alaska and love Alaska’s wild beauty, which I visit often, to photograph. I am an avid traveler and have combined it with photography all of my adult life. I enjoy hiking and am in a hiking group that hikes weekly, taking me to new areas to explore and photograph. I am a long-time Humboldt County, CA resident and love the diversity of beauty in Humboldt. Where else can you live in a temperate climate, where there are redwoods, dunes, bays, lagoons, wildlife refuges, sloughs, wetlands and miles and miles of unspoiled beaches and rivers? Along with this amazing landscape comes a diversity of animals that are always fun to capture in an image. I am interested in keeping up with the latest technology in photography by reading, and taking workshops and classes. I am a student forever in this changing world. I strive to capture, in my photography, my love of this amazing planet and share it with you.