Lori Goodman

HAC Member Since: 1996

Kozo, the bark of a Japanese mulberry tree, is the main substance of my mixed media sculptures and installations.  I connect to its ancientness; the knowledge that for thousands of years something has been made so simply, has had such an impact on the world and overlaps so many cultures.  Journeys around the world, viewing nature and various cultures, watching life happen has informed most of the work:  A fence gets woven, a dwelling is latched together, a roof thatched, a basket made, cheese dried, a cocoon spun, a pod split open, a leaf curls.  There is a simplicity yet incredible sophistication integral to these everyday activities.  The work and installations have addressed these issues of humans and their environments. The environments have ranged from primitive villages and ancient landscapes to redwood forests. It has been my intention to exaggerate the spaces and to create possibilities where one can scrutinize and enter into or be reminded of the small pieces that are often forgotten or ignored.